Typography Fix – Landscaping Truck

A few weeks back I was driving and saw this landscaping truck in front of me.LandscapingTruckSmallThe logo font says “Space Exploration” to me much more than “Landscaping”.  Besides the inappropriate logo font, there are four other fonts on the back of this truck. Now the general rule is to only have two font. There are times when this rule can and should be broken, but this isn’t one of them.

I decided to use a little Photoshop magic and show what the truck might look like using just two more appropriate fonts.  LandscapingTruckSmall Sesame FontThe logo font is Sesame by Dieter Steffmann. I chose it because the organic feel I felt was more appropriate for a company working with plants.

The font for the rest of the text is Overlock by Dario Manuel Muhafara. It is a sans serif font that has a more modern feel, but with handwriting like qualities that again lend an organic feel appropriate to growing things.